PhotoScore 2 offers the following significant improvements over previous versions: Greatly improved text recognition, using special technology licensed from one of the world's leading OCR companies. Fingerings, chord symbols, bold and italic are all now detected. Tuplet/triplet recognition. PhotoScore 2 even finds these when the number is not written. Playback/MIDI file saving of Transposing Instruments at correct pitch. Improved Advanced Rhythm Correction algorithm to more effectively correct rhythmic inaccuracies. Improved proof reading tools to allow faster and easier editing of scores. Updated Sibelius 2 style editing interface. Various bug fixes and reading algorithm improvements.
Compatibility table between PhotoScore Professional and Sibelius versions: | Sibelius 1.xx | Sibelius 2 | PhotoScore Professional 1.xx plug-in | It is recommended that customers upgrade to PhotoScore 1.86 or higher and Sibelius 2 to take advantage of much improved importing capabilities and support for transposing scores. | Sibelius 2 will not load the PhotoScore plug-in. Customers must upgrade to PhotoScore 1.86 (a standalone version) or PhotoScore 2. | PhotoScore Professional 1.8x standalone | It is recommended that customers upgrade to Sibelius 2 to take advantage of much improved importing capabilities and support for transposing scores. | PhotoScore's Send to Sibelius button is not available, therefore it is necessary to save .opt files from PhotoScore's File menu and open these from Sibelius's File menu. The PhotoScore installer also reports that Sibelius is not installed on the system; customers should opt to continue installation anyway. The PhotoScore 2 upgrade solves these problems. | PhotoScore Professional 2 | Sibelius 1.xx will not read guitar chords, fingerings, or text formatting from PhotoScore 2 files. It is also recommended that customers upgrade to Sibelius 2 to take advantage of much improved importing capabilities and support for transposing scores. | No known problems. |
To order a new copy of PhotoScore 2, please click here. To upgrade a previous version of PhotoScore, click here. To upgrade or to purchase Sibelius, please click here. |